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7.0分 / 喜剧片 / 美国 / 2019



科比体系广告是有几个部分的。 科比体系:第一阶段 成功顶峰 : And that is why you always keep your defense offensive. 这就是为什么要让防守总是充满侵略性。 What’s up, friend? Oh sorry, Kobe. It’s a text from a friend of mine and I’m getting some pizza later. I thought there was gonna be some refreshments, catering. There was nothing. So I got to settle this all pizza situation. 怎么了朋友?哦,对不起,科比,我在约朋友一会一起吃披萨,我以为来这里有吃有喝,结果什么都没。所以我要先把披萨的事情搞定。 Aziz Ansari, I was once like you. 阿兹.安萨里,我以前像你一样。 You were? 真的? Being the same animal, attacking fast all the time. Then I became a different animal. I learned to attack strong. You can be like me, Aziz Ansari. 保持同一种野性,不断以速度超越,之后我有了另一种野性,学会以力量压倒,你可以和我一样,阿兹·安萨里。 Really, Kobe Bryant? No. 真的吗,科比?不。 下面是和 王力宏的对话: 科比:Wong Leehom, I understand you feel like you’re nothing more than a multi-talented Chinese megastar. Not a good feeling at all. And you wanna know where you go from here. The only way to answer your question is with more questions. What is this? 王力宏:一双鞋 科比:No. It’s a system. It can attack both fast and strong. What is this? 王力宏:鲨鱼 科比:No. It’s a system. It can attack both fast and strong. What is this? 王力宏:一套体系 科比:No. It’s a multi-talented Chinese mega star, but this Chinese megastar who will be a system by the time we’re through. 王力宏:Thank you. 科比:You’re welcome 科比体系:第二阶段——适者制胜 : Adaptation is not about reaction. The dinosaurs reacted. The Meteor adapted. The Meteor won. Is that clear, Serena? 适者制胜不是被动改变,恐龙被动改变,流星主动适应。所以流星赢了。明白吗?小威。 Not really. What does it have to do with my back-hand? 不太明白...这和我要赢更多大满贯有什么关系? Please watch. 请看好。 You’re welcome. 不客气。


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