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3.0分 / 剧情片 / 法国 / 2016


简介: In the 19th century France, she lived in an orphanage and had a dream to be a real ballet dancer. In order to pursue a dream, she and inventor small partner Victor had an escape plan, with great pains, finally came to the metropolis Paris. 19世纪风情万种的法国,自小生活在孤儿院中的菲丽西一直有个梦想,就是成为真正的芭蕾舞者。为了追梦,她和发明家小伙伴维克托进行了一场逃跑计划,费尽周折,终于来到了大都市巴黎。 0bd162d9f2d3572c5f2e60b89a13632763d0c382 In the face of all strange, Phyllis is not timid, she bravely breaks through the routine, not afraid of strange and difficult, make a lot of jokes but do not lose lovely and frank. 面对陌生的一切,菲丽西并没有怯懦,她勇敢地冲破套路,不惧奇葩刁难,闹出了很多笑话却不失可爱率真。 After experiencing a twists and turns unexpected adventure and adventure, finally France realized his dream. 在历经了一场场曲折意外的冒险和奇遇,但却从未放弃对舞蹈的执着坚持,最后菲丽西终于实现了自己的梦想。


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